Why PGI?

Only we support you develop high-quality training programs:

The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes a shift towards a more holistic and skill-based approach to education. Here are some types of trainings colleges can expect to see increased demand for under NEP:

In addition to these specific skills, colleges may also look for training programs that:

By offering training programs that address these needs and align with the NEP's philosophy, Plant Green Inertia can position itself as a valuable partner for colleges looking to adapt and improve their educational offerings.

ISO 9001: Quality Management System (QMS): This widely recognized standard helps organizations establish a framework for continuous improvement in all their processes, including those related to training development and delivery. By following the principles of ISO 9001, a training company can:

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) you might be referring to likely focuses on accrediting engineering and technical programs offered by institutions in India, not necessarily training programs offered by private companies like Plant Green Inertia.

However, there are still some resources and principles that can be helpful for Plant Green Inertia to consider when developing and delivering training programs. Here are some pointers:

Here are some additional resources that might be helpful for Plant Green Inertia:

Remember, while there might not be a single accreditation body for private training providers in India, focusing on quality, industry relevance, and effective learning will make your training programs valuable for participants and strengthen Plant Green Inertia's reputation.